Idea for the first week of April: Springtime

Assign a month of Article-A-Day for K-8 with the Scope & Sequences tool!

Explore by Content Type

Reading Passages

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Personalize instruction for every student by selecting from 1000s of nonfiction and fiction passages and adding one (or all!) of our research-based supports. You can also add passages to science and social studies units to increase reading practice.


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Transform students’ comprehension in just 10 minutes a day by building background knowledge, vocabulary, and reading stamina. Article-A-Day provides weekly text sets of engaging nonfiction passages. Plan an entire year with our K-8 Scope & Sequences!

Paired Texts

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Engage students in deeper thinking! Paired texts are two passages about a common topic, theme, or literary element. Spanish-English Paired Texts are a Spanish passage that builds background knowledge and a paired English passage about a similar topic. All paired texts have a question set to help students draw important connections and deepen reading comprehension.